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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 1391 Amends §§ 18-71 and 18.71.5, building regulations 12/12/2023 Codified
Ord. 1390 Amends §§ 18-1-60, 18-1-70 and 18-92(6), building regulations 12/12/2023 Codified
Ord. 1389 Amends land use code 10/24/2023 Codified
Ord. 1388 Exchange of property agreement 10/17/2023 Special
Ord. 1387 Water dedication and capital improvement fees 6/13/2023 Codified
Ord. 1386 Amends land use code 3/28/2023 Codified
Ord. 1385 Rezone; amends zoning map 10/25/2022 Special
Ord. 1384 Creates sales tax credit 2/16/2023 Special
Ord. 1383 Not Used
Ord. 1382 Reserved
Ord. 1381 Franchise agreement 3/28/2023 Special
Ord. 1380 Liquor licensing 11/1/2022 Codified
Ord. 1379 Not Used
Ord. 1378 Rezone; amends zoning map 3/8/2022 Special
Ord. 1377 Rezone; amends zoning map 7/12/2022 Special
Ord. 1376 Commissions, boards and committees 4/26/2022 Codified
Ord. 1375 Bids for financial audit 4/12/2022 Special
Ord. 1374 Amends land use code 4/12/2022 Codified
Ord. 1373 Building regulations 3/8/2022 Codified
Ord. 1372 Amends land use code Tabled
Ord. 1371 Amends land use code 1/25/2022 Codified
Ord. 1370 Amends land use code 1/11/2022 Codified
Ord. 1369 Amends land use code 1/11/2022 Codified
Ord. 1368 Legal services 1/11/2022 Codified
Ord. 1367 Rezone; amends zoning map 11/9/2021 Special