Chapter 11 Streets, Sidewalks and Public Property
This chapter is included in your selections.
- Article I General
- Article II Excavations
- Article III Streets
- 11-41 Injury to streets or sidewalks
- 11-42 Obstructions prohibited
- 11-43 Permit required for flags or banners
- 11-44 Dangerous places fenced
- 11-45 Duty to construct walkway
- 11-46 Ditches must be bridged
- 11-48 Washing of vehicles prohibited
- 11-49 Depositing litter in streets prohibited
- 11-50 Transportation of loose materials
- 11-51 Hauling offensive or foul-smelling material restricted
- 11-52 Restrictions on tire equipment
- 11-53 Permits for house moving
- 11-54 Trees and shrubs
- 11-55 Obstruction of street, sidewalk; duty to remove; nuisance declared; abatement procedures
- 11-56 Assessment for charges; collection
- 11-57 Street addressing
- 11-58 Weeds and brush along public ways and lands; abatement
- 11-59—11-70 Reserved
- Article IV Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters
- 11-71 Construction of sidewalks, curbs and gutters; permit required
- 11-72 Application for permit; grade and line set
- 11-73 Specifications for sidewalks, curbs and gutters
- 11-74 Repair of sidewalks, curbs and gutters
- 11-75 Notice to repair; collection of costs
- 11-76 Snow removal
- 11-77 Properties without sidewalks, curbs and gutters
- 11-78 Failure to comply
- 11-79 Relief to property owners on tax assessment
- 11-80 Uniformity of design
- 11-81 Disabled access ramps and alley pans
- 11-82—11-100 Reserved