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1. Petition for Annexation technical criteria. The petition shall be signed by persons comprising more than fifty percent of the landowners in the area and owning more than fifty percent of the land area. Sample petitions are available from the Planning Department. The petition shall comply with the following technical requirements:

The applicant shall submit a petition for annexation complying with the requirements of C.R.S. §31-12-107, The Town’s standard form petition shall be utilized. Any deviation from the standard form petition will require review and approval by the Town Attorney before the Town accepts the petition for processing. The applicant shall provide a word processing file of this document if it deviates from the Town’s standard form petition. The petition shall contain the following statements:

a. An allegation that it is desirable and necessary that the area be annexed to the Town.

b. An allegation that eligibility requirements and limitations have been met or addressed respectively.

c. An allegation that the petitioners comprise the landowners of more than fifty percent (50%) of the territory included in the proposed annexation area (excluding streets and alleys).

d. A request that the annexing municipality approve the annexation.

e. If not already included, consent to the inclusion of the property into the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District and Municipal Sub-district, Carbon Valley Parks and Recreation District, Tri-Area Ambulance District, Frederick Fire District and the Tri-Area Sanitation District, St. Vrain Sanitation District or Dacono Sanitation District, or others as appropriate.

f. A waiver of any right to election pursuant to Section 28 of Article X of the Colorado Constitution before a district can impose property tax levies and special assessments.

g. Agreement to pay all back taxes levied by the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District against landownersproperty at the time of inclusion into the district.

h. The dated signatures of petitioning landowners. Petition signatures must be signed within one hundred eighty (180) days of the date the petition is first submitted to the Town Clerk.

i. The mailing address of each signer of the petition.

j. The full legal description of land owned by each signer of the petition (if platted, by lot and block; if un-platted, by metes and bounds).

k. The affidavit of each petition circulator that each petitioner’s signature is valid.

2. Annexation agreement. An annexation agreement template shall be provided at the pre-application conference. Upon submittal of the application for annexation and zoning, a draft annexation agreement shall be provided by the applicant for review by Town Staff. Any changes or additions to the standard form annexation agreement proposed by the applicant or the Town shall be addressed in the "supplemental provisions" Section of the document. An electronic version of the agreement with edits noted shall be provided along with a hard copy for this review. A minimum or two original Agreement’s must be signed by the applicant and provided to Town Staff a minimum or two weeks prior to the Board of Trustees Public Hearing for annexation. The agreement may be amended and shall reflect the terms and conditions as established by the Board of Trustees; and signed by all applicable parties prior to recordation. If a property to be annexed has multiple ownerships, all of the owners must be listed and sign the annexation agreement prior to recordation. If multiple properties are combined for annexation purposes, and each property will be developed separately, separate annexation agreements shall be signed by each property owner, prior to recordation of the annexation documents.

3. Concept Development Plan map technical standards. A Concept Plan, if required by the Town Planner, shall be prepared by or under the supervision of a qualified professional. The Concept Plan shall conform to the drafting standards of the annexation map. It shall be a neat, clear, permanent, legible and reproducible document. Inaccurate, incomplete or poorly drawn maps shall be rejected. In addition, the applicant shall provide:

a. Electronic and / or paper copies, in quantities, sizes, and resolutions as determined by the Town Planner in the pre-application conference.

b. The concept plan map drawing shall contain the following:

(1) Show the boundary of the property and the area to be developed;

(2) The general location of each proposed land use on the property and the percentage of the whole for each use. General location of land uses may be shown as irregular graphic shapes depicting the approximate size and relationship to adjacent land uses. A table shall be used to list anticipated densities and land use by type, including the area of each, the density of residential development the maximum and minimum lot sizes, and the maximum square footage of commercial and industrial buildings and the maximum and minimum lot sizes;

(3) Show existing and proposed arterial and collector streets and their relationship to the principal land uses on the site;

(4) Show existing and proposed major utility lines or facilities and their relationship to the principal land uses on the site;

(5) Show significant natural or man-made features and physical constraints of development on the site and contiguous to the property, including but not limited to bluffs, tree galleries, lakes and ponds, irrigation ditches, watercourses, wetlands, and the like.

(6) A .pdf version of the drawing shall be submitted with the application on a CD-Rom.

4. Annexation Assessment Report shall contain the following:

a. The economic impact to the Town as a result of the proposed annexation. This shall include a short statement of revenues likely to be generated by any existing or contemplated development, and a statement of municipal expenses likely to be incurred as a result of the annexation and development; as well as the short-term and long-term economic development potential for the property (numbers of jobs to be created, sales and use tax generation, property tax generation, utility revenue generation, incentives to be requested or offered, etc.);

b. The impact of the proposed annexation on the existing transportation system and proposals to mitigate any negative transportation impacts upon the community (arterial and collector street improvements, intersection improvements, intersection signalization, alternative modes of transportation, etc.), including the compatibility of the proposed development with the Frederick Comprehensive Plan and any plan amendments that may be necessary for the proposed development;

c. The impact of the proposed annexation on the existing storm drainage system and proposals to mitigate any negative drainage impacts upon the community (historic rainfall drainage patterns, detention and retention areas, storm sewer requirements, discharged irrigation ditches, floodways and floodplains, etc.);

d. The impact of the proposed annexation on the Town park facilities and recreation programs and proposals to mitigate any impact upon the existing facilities and programs (additional facilities, additional recreational programs, additional personnel required, etc);

e. The impact of the proposed annexation on the environment of the Town and proposals to mitigate any negative impact (identify environmentally sensitive areas, endangered species, significant habitats, etc.);

f. The compatibility of the proposed annexation with the street master plan as depicted by the Transportation Map contained in the Comprehensive Plan and proposals for mitigating any negative impact;

g. The compatibility of the proposed development with this Code and any deviations in setbacks, space requirements and permitted uses that may be required for the proposed development; and

h. A review of existing and adjacent land uses, areas of compatibility or conflict, and possible mitigation measures that may be required for the proposed development.